Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Things People Say

K was telling me she is termed unfeeling only coz she sometimes doesn’t have the vocabulary to define her feelings. That got me thinking about words we use far too often which are not nearly enough to say what we want to say:

Look up a Thesaurus!

Vibe - Is it short for vibrations? Does it mean a gut feel? Is it just flooziness/laziness to not find another word for it? Bing, I am looking at you. (But I’m the one who’s wishing you ‘Happy Birthday!’)

Sexy - A dog is sexy. A movie is sexy. The attitude is sexy. Enough already!

Relationship - "I am in a relationship with him". Umm...news flash! Everyone is in a relationship with everyone else. Friendship is a relationship (Enough with the hints, Sammeh! I just don’t think of you that way!). Hell, I have a traffic cop who knows my name. Do you see me walking around saying I am in a relationship with him? (No, coz your cigarette kadai kaaran would be so jealous!)

Seeing someone - If you are not Rani Mukherjee, playing a blind woman very badly, chances are you are seeing more than one person. Say “boinking” or “doing” like the rest of us, jackass!

Kinky - Anything out of the ordinary is not kinky. It is just not ordinary. Unless you like being tied for 3 days and beaten black and blue for pleasure, chances are you are not into kinky sex. Bummer, I know! (Thinking bad things about all the exes she called “kinky”.)

Gay - Any guy who does not swill beer, scratch his crotch, beat his wife is not necessarily gay! Or, a guy isn’t gay just because he has more than 3 pairs of shoes! There are terms like metro and uber sexual. Learn ‘em, use ‘em.

Awesome - If everything is awesome, then isn’t everything just ok? (just like, ‘unique’!)

Fate/Destiny - If you use a condom and still get knocked up, you're allowed to chalk it up to either Fate or Destiny, but when you are ovulating and you take a chance au naturale, there’s another word for it. Its first 3 letters are s-t-u and it ends with p-i-d and has nothing in between. Can ya guess it? (Ex-best friend, hope you are reading this. And we’ll wait for you to get there. No hurry!)

Orgasmic - "The food is orgasmic", "The weather is orgasmic", "The smell is orgasmic" - unless your heart rate is up and your muscles are contracting, it ain’t that "awesome"!


Anonymous said...

1. The kooky friend
2. The new friend
3. The friend you'll keep for life
4. The couple friends
5. The 9-to-5 friend
6. The friends who show up
7. The friend who's been there

There you go and you can increment fan following by 1 :-)


Sam San said...


Ummm, we thank you for filing in my blanks - no Fao San, that was *not* a euphemism!

But, your comments are in the wrong post. :-)

Ahh well, no one's perfect. Oh, and I have no one to fill cateogries 6 and 7. I know why I forgot em. They're sappy!