Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Dictionary of Terms

Gay Marriages are being rendered null and void after the passing of Proposition 8. I am currently anti marriage but I'm not sure how I'd react if one day a fascist law was passed that said I was no longer married to my spouse because he turned out to be Anglo-Indian (lets face it, you know thats the way its gonna pan out!)*

(Fao's notes in parentheses)

Cat - Animal I would have as a pet and dress up if I were the kind of person who liked animals
Kind - I am not (She is a Kind of misanthropic cat lady)
I - Single and uninterested in getting beaten down by a commitophobe asshole who is too terrified to say he loves my pasta
Asshole - Generally a person I date
Date - Something I havent had since the first month of the year
Year - This one has been clean, sober and filled with many many diets
Diets - A new way to suck all joy out of life (D for 'diet'. D for 'Dementor')
Life - A rollercoaster of auditions where I am rejected for looking too rich and odd jobs where I'm pressured to deliver but never receive payments on time
Rich - Guffaw (Guffaw)
Jobs - So, so many, all degrading, and none well paying
Well - A deep hole in the ground
Hole - The second part of a man I'd date (Ass being the first part. Gedit?)
Man - Someone who always sides with his girlfriend even though he knows her best friend is right (Pointed reference to an ex-bestfriend)
Bestfriend - Someone you can bitch with
Bitch - Me and Fao San! (Wotchu looking at?)

* - I digressed and ranted, but does it look like I can solve the anti-gay marriage problem with a blog?

Let the gays deal with their issues! I cant even have issues at this point! (No, that would require something she hasn't had since the first month of the year)


Anonymous said...

Jaanu chechi sends her guffaws too!

Many thanks, jaanu!

Anonymous said...

Jaanu Chechi!

We missed your ample talents *ahem ahem*... Our non-lesbian but, co-dependent kudos to your stellar navigational abilities!