Monday, November 10, 2008

Why Electing Obama is Racist

Yup, we dont waste much time chit chatting.

I get that Obama is anti-bush and everyone really hates Bush! But, would Hilary have won (I know she didnt even get party support but, in a parallel universe, lets assume she did) if she ran against McCain?

Among the many black people who voted for Obama, maybe they were guided by hope (theres that word again!) that he would do something for them. Fair enough! I'd vote for a Tamil Politician (Actually I wouldnt but thats not the point) if I thought it'd help any of my issues get heard (if I had issues or heirs *hyuk hyuk*).

But among the millions of white people and other races who voted for Obama, how many were really influenced by his policies? Can anyone quote any of his campaign promises, other than the fact that he wasnt gonna be Bush and end the War?

Here's what I'm thinking happened, they looked at a black man and saw someone who is nice. They forgot he was a politician.

They said, oh yeah, he'll pass the bill to reduce gas prices and solve the economic crisis and also bring back the boys from Iraq!

This thinking is parallel to the stereotype that the black has a simple mind and cannot be conniving which led to slavery in the first place! He's a politician! He's gonna do whatever makes him popular and whatever doesnt rock his whitehouse seat!

Argue with that!

And dont tell me America isnt goint to cash in on electing a black man... hell, its been two days but in the arguments against the passing of proposition 8 (which bans Gay Marriage in the last frontier of liberalism, California) a few people have said in different words, "we elected a black man, how can we still be close minded about gays"?

How long before they come to us and say, "we elected a black man, give us the shirt off your backs!"


Anonymous said...

Wilkommen! Bien venue! Welcome!

damien said...
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damien said...

...Electing Hilary would have been misogynist (or male chauvinist for the ignorants) and electing McCain would have been gerontophobic...Anyway, all these candidates were freaks! Vote for me!

Anonymous said...


Dont be silly, this blog has no 'ignorants'... about McCain, no one cares about him... so the gerontophobic scenario would never have risen!

Lovely to have you follow this blog and make intelligent comments.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Nice blog and you decided to start of with politics! Good.